Language Assistant is a Macintosh application consisting of several different dictionaries, and a translation system that translates to and from English, French, German, and several other languages. It makes use of DICT, a common protocol used for accessing word definitions around the world.
Language Assistant is shareware. If you continue to use it after the 30-day demonstration period, you must pay the $15 registration fee. To order a license online, please fill out our software order form at:
If you prefer to send your order by postal mail, please print your name and e-mail address on a piece of paper and send it, along with a check made out to Xorsis Software in the amount of $15, to:
Xorsis Software
715 McKinley St. Suite 3
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
The latest version of Language Assistant may always be downloaded at:
For your convenience, the application will automatically notify you whenever a new version is available, and provide a direct link to this web page.
Bug Reporting
If you experience any bugs in Language Assistant, please send us a detailed report about your system configuration, what you were doing when the bug occurred, and what happened, to the e-mail address below.